Shipping Point
6615 Grand Ave
Gurnee, IL 60031
Printing Help Articles

Is Photo Printing Still Relevant in a Digital World?

In our fast-paced world, digital photo-taking is the norm, not the exception. Today, some cellphones can even be used for travel photography. In 2017, approximately 1.2 trillion digital photographs were taken — and 85% of those photos were taken on smartphones. The ease and convenience of digital photos may make you wonder why you should even bother printing them; after all, you can share digital pictures with everyone in your world in a matter of seconds. In reality, however, there are all sorts of reasons why photo printing continues to be a practical — and fun — option.

Digital Photos Can Be Lost

It's easy to believe that our digital photos are safely stored on our computers or cell phones. They are, but there's still one uncomfortable fact we can't ignore: technology, no matter how powerful, isn't immune to malfunction. If something happens to your phone or hard drive before you can back up your photos, they're gone forever. So, if you drop your phone in the river during a gondola cruise in Italy, that picture you just took of your friend dancing can never be recovered. Ever again.

Printed photos, on the other hand, make it possible for you to document cherished memories, even if something untoward happens to your phone. Additionally, printed photos can be accessed without WiFi, so you can always pull them from the bookshelf for a look. Having both physical and digital copies of your favorite photographs is an excellent way to ensure your favorite moments will always be with you. 

Printed Photos Let You Prioritize

Many of us enjoy taking photos. We tend to amass digital photographs, however, snapping dozens of pictures at events to capture special moments. However, having so many pictures on our phones can often make it even harder to remember the best moments. We simply become overwhelmed by the plethora of random photos on hand.

Let's say, you have two cherished photos documenting your mom's smile on her 60th birthday. However, you may also have three of Aunt Sally turning her back because she didn't want her picture taken.

Taking the time to look through your photos and choosing the ones you want to print can be a great way to figure out which ones actually matter. And, when they're on display in your home, you'll be able to see them every day, giving you a constant reminder of happy memories from bygone days.

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Scrapbooking Can Be a Fun Family Activity

When you print photos, it gives you more of a chance to be creative in how you display them. While framing them on your walls is a great choice, another option is to create scrapbooks. Not only does this give you a chance to arrange your pictures thematically — it also allows you to design whole spreads to go with them. Scrapbooking is great for both kids and adults because it gives you a chance to focus on the pictures you care about.

Printed Photos Retain Their Quality

Digital photos aren't timeless. In fact, the rapid development of technology means that digital storage systems can quickly become obsolete, making it challenging to access older pictures when you want them. This process of change is known as digital decay, an abiding issue with digital storage that many people overlook.

While printed photos can also decay over time, keeping them out of direct sunlight and humidity can preserve them for decades. Also, you'll never have to worry about a printed photo becoming unusable due to a software malfunction.

Decorate Your Home, Not Your Facebook Feed

It's easy to spend a lot of time posting your best photos to social media — and while this is a great way to share fun moments with your friends and family, it can sometimes mean that the internet holds more records of your memories than your home does.

Printing your favorite pictures to display around your home means that you'll have a constant reminder of your special moments; it also gives you a conversation starter when guests visit your home. And psychologically, printed photographs may actually have hidden benefits: psychologists suggest that having family portraits printed and on display can increase the self-esteem of children.

Sure, digital technology has transformed the world of photography, and digital photos are an excellent way to preserve important memories — but nothing can replace a tangible, printed photo. If you're interested in printing some high-quality keepsakes, contact us today to learn how the professionals at The Shipping & Printing Point in Gurnee, Illinois, can assist you.

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